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money market 金融市場,金融界。

money order

The social security funds have 3 interacting relations with money market funds 社保基金與貨幣市場之間在三個環節存在互動關系。

Money market operation 貨幣市場運作

Intra - day money market 即日拆借市場

The basic status of credit institution during chinese money market development 對信用制度在中國金融市場發展中基礎地位的探討

Money market instrument 貨幣市場工具

One choice for people who want a low - risk investment is the money market 對于那些想低風險的投資者來說貨幣市場是一個選擇。

The monitoring of the chinese money market under the environment of financial globalization 金融全球化下的中國金融市場監管

Tight money market 銀根緊縮的金融市場

Another clue comes from dollar / yen positions in international money markets 另一條線索來自于國際貨幣市場美元/日元頭寸。

There are several obstacles for social security funds investing money market 我國社保基金進入貨幣市場還存在著不少障礙。

Interbank money market 銀行同業拆借市場

One choice for people who want a low - risk investment is the money market 希望進行低風險投資的人的一個選擇是金融市場。

One choice for people who want a low - risk investment is the money market 對于想要低風險投資的人他們可以選擇金融市場。

The inter - bank money market 同業拆借市場

Nevertheless , the exchange and money markets in hong kong were largely stable 然而,香港的外匯及貨幣市場保持穩定。

The information is updated on a daily basis after the close of the money market 上述資料將于每日貨幣市場收市后公布。

Usually individuals do this through money market mutual ( 寫 成 mutrual ) funds 通常個人投資一般是通過金融市場共同基金。

The connection and equilibrium development of money market and capital market 貨幣市場與資本市場的相互銜接和均衡發展

Money market mutual funds 貨幣市場互助基金